Planterday: Your Mission-Driven Plant Shop
Oaklandish is excited to announce our newest collaboration with Planterday, a mission-driven plant shop dedicated to destigmatizing mental health and promoting mental health resources.
Planterday shop owners Matt and Yumi recently hosted a wellness event in partnership with Crisis Support Services of Alameda County and Oaklandish. The event was called Growing with Community, and the goal was to raise awareness about Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September. It also aimed to raise suicide prevention awareness and promote the narrative of seeking mental health help through movement, gardening, arts & crafts, and music.
Founded in 1966, Crisis Support Services of Alameda County offers a broad range of counseling, education, and prevention services in a safe environment. They operate a 24-hour crisis hotline, responding to over 65,000 calls yearly. Services include ongoing therapy groups, school-based counseling, supportive services for seniors, suicide prevention for youth, and community education.
This collection of tees and a shopping tote honors Planterday's mission-driven plant shop, with a portion of proceeds going directly to Crisis Support Services of Alameda County.
Planterday's origins are personal and cathartic. Matt's father committed suicide when Matt was a young, and his mother died in 2018 after battling cancer. Matt and Yumi found solace through gardening and the therapeutic power of plants. They have taken to heart and action Matt's mother's words: "Help starts at home” and the idea that our own mental health is crucial and needs to be cared for in order for us to be our best selves to help others. It is because of Matt's mother that they have committed to running a business that intentionally gives back to their community, and it's because of Matt's father that they focus on destigmatizing mental health and are official sponsors of our local suicide prevention non-profit, Crisis Support Services of Alameda County. You can visit their shop on College Avenue for plants, plant advice, and myriad community events that they host at their shop, from comedy shows and poetry readings, to craft workshops and corporate events.
Shop the collection: Planterday
Learn More: Crisis Support Services